User Interface Examples


Modern UI


Diagram View


History chart and trend analysis


Dashboard View

Windows Application Automation

OnLine ToolWorks Corporation offers an award winning job scheduling software solutions that helps you best leverage your IT investment. With SmartBatch job scheduling, OnLine ToolWorks is providing its customers with the ability to greatly enhance productivity. SmartBatch is an integrated comprehensive solution built on the .NET Framework. With today's compressed budgets and ongoing pressure to deliver more with less resources, SmartBatach is providing the right solution for your applications automation needs.

SmartBatch provides you with a Windows solution that fits your budget while providing all the features you need for your departmental or enterprise needs. Get the product you want and the support you need. OnLine ToolWorks provides fast turn around time on your support questions via phone, email or web session.

SmartBatch advanced job scheduling and event automation allows you to easily setup your tasks into repeatable and manageable work flows using Operations, Steps, Jobs, Dependencies, Schedules, Parameters, Notification and much more.

Companies in every industry around the global have found SmartBatch to be their choice for Windows application automation. Review the Solutions page to get the product details.

What's new in SmartBatch V10 (October 2016)

The next version of SmartBatch is now available. SmartBatch V10 provides:

  • A new Microsoft Office style UI.
  • Improved performance for all list displays (200% to 400%).
  • A Dashboard View that provides a grapical display of important activity in the SmartBatch environment.
  • Smaller UI changes that make SmartBatch even easier to use.
  • As with every release we look at customer feedback on reported product issues and update SmartBatch based on your input.
  • What's new in SmartBatch 2009

    Several major changes have been implemented in the latest release of SmartBatch.

    Four Editions of SmartBatch are now Available including the Free Edition!

    SmartBatch 2009 is now available in four editions to meet every budget and range of capabilities you require. 


    Enterprise Edition


    For the most sophisticated environments wanting the easiest to use product with the most functionality.  Distribute processing amongst any number of computers with SmartBatch Remote Agents.


    Standard Edition


    For sophisticated environments that are primarily scheduling on one computer or manage several environments individually with multple Standard Edition installs.


    Lite Edition


    A low cost way to automate environments with the need to process up to 50 Operations (an Operation is any program or script you want to automate).


    Free Edition


    For environments that only need to automate up to 20 Operations.


    Built-in Syntax Highlighting Editor

    Now manage your scripts and source code for your jobs directly from the SmartBatch user interface. All popular scripting languages are supported. Additional support if provided for C# and VB.NET with IntelliSence and the ability to compile without the need for Visual Studio.

    SmartBatch Editor

    End User Services

    The SmartBatch Web Administrator has been enhanced providing authorized end users with the ability to schedule jobs and view output.

    SmartBatch product awarded MVP status

    Redmond magazine provides a comprehensive review of the SmartBatch Job Scheduling product and rated it a 9 out of 10! SmartBatch offers more competitive pricing while providing the ease-of-use and features required for Windows. Read the entire review by clicking on the link below:

  • Redmond Magazine Job Scheduling Product Review of SmartBatch.